====== Project Takedown : PL/SQL migration keynotes ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Project Takedown : PL/SQL migration keynotes | ^Description:| Project Takedown : PL/SQL migration keynotes | ^Modification date :| 28/10/2020 | ^Owner:|dodger| ^Tags:| OracleDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ceph... | ====== Ora2My ====== ^ Oracle ^ Mysql ^ key notes ^ | ''VARCHAR2'' | ''VARCHAR'' | ''varchar2'' does no exists on mysql | | ''FUNCTION FUNCTION_NAME(PARM1 IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS'' | ''FUNCTION FUNCTION_NAME(PARM1 NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS'' | ''IN'' in the variable declaration is not needed | | ''LISTAGG(column, ' ') WITHIN GROUP ('' | ''GROUP_CONCAT()'' | ''LISTAGG'' does not exists and ''GROUP_CONCAT'' sintax is completely different, this is [[http://www.sqlines.com/mysql/functions/group_concat|hardcore]] :-( | | ''PLS_INTEGER'' | ''NUMBER'' | just that... | | ''PARALLEL_ENABLE''| none | does not exists in mysql | | ''TO_CHAR()'' | ''CHAR()'' | just that... | | ''SYSDATE'' | ''SYSDATE()'' | just that... | | ''RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR'' | ''signal'' | See [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36611802/raise-application-error-trigger-in-mysql-dbms|this]] | | ''TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'FORMAT')'' | ''TIME_FORMAT()'' or ''DATE_FORMAT()'' | See [[https://www.w3resource.com/mysql/date-and-time-functions/mysql-time_format-function.php|TIME_FORMAT]] and [[https://www.w3resource.com/mysql/date-and-time-functions/mysql-date_format-function.php|DATE_FORMAT]] | | ''CONSTANT'' | none | does not exists | | ''%TYPE'' & ''%ROWTYPE'' | ''%TYPE'' & ''%ROWTYPE'' | Yes, is the same, but maybe you might have a loot at [[https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-10577|1]], [[https://mariadb.com/kb/en/row/|2]] |