====== Rclone: rsync for object storage ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Rclone: rsync for object storage | ^Description:| Setup & usage of this powerful tool | ^Modification date :|26/08/2019| ^Owner:|dodger| ^Notify changes to:|Owner | ^Tags:|ceph, object storage | ^Scalate to:|The_fucking_bofh| ====== Install ====== [[https://rclone.org/downloads/]] \\ \\ ===== Setup for ceph ===== Example for clover **without** ssl: [clover_rclone_example] type = s3 provider = Ceph env_auth = false access_key_id = ACCESS_ID secret_access_key = THE_SECRET endpoint = http://clover.ciberterminal.net #region = other-v2-signature region = location_constraint = acl = server_side_encryption = storage_class = [[https://rclone.org/s3/#ceph|Link to documentation]] ===== Usage ===== See the ''--help'' for more examples: \\ rclone ls ciberpay-intg-clover:rclonetest rclone sync ciberpay-intg:ciberpay-intg ciberpay-intg-clover:rclonetest \\ Very easy...