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[HOWTO] Create users for Object Storage Gateway

Name: [HOWTO] Create users for Object Storage Gateway
Description: How to create a user for the ceph object storage gateway
Modification date :24/10/2018
Notify changes to:Owner
Tags: ceph, object storage
Scalate to:The_fucking_bofh

Variables used in this documentation

Name Description Sample
${THEUSERNAME} The username to be created
export THEUSERNAME="newuser"


Remember that you must copy the values provided by radosgw-admin as that will be the user+pass hash'es to connect to the gw.

You can create it connected to the admin node:

sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid="${THEUSERNAME}" --display-name="${THEUSERNAME} user"

Limiting buckets:

sudo radosgw-admin user modify --uid=${THEUSERNAME} --max-buckets=1


sudo radosgw-admin user info --uid=${THEUSERNAME}

Hard to understand? use Rundeck :-)

  • Open Rundeck
  • Go to “The_fucking_bofh tasks”
  • Open the “ceph” folder
  • Choose the environment you want to create the user in:
    • larry : DEV/TEST (not to be accessed by customers)
    • clover: PRO (to be accessed by the customer)
    • ciberpay-oss: PRO (to be accessed by the customer)
  • Run the job with a DESCRIPTIVE NAME for the user/project
  • Open the ressults and in the 3rd step you will see the credentials named as:
    • access_key : The username to access
    • secret_key : The password


19:09:21	    {
19:09:21	        "user_id": "rundeckuser",
19:09:21	        "display_name": "rundeckuser_user",
19:09:21	        "email": "",
19:09:21	        "suspended": 0,
19:09:21	        "max_buckets": 5,
19:09:21	        "subusers": [],
19:09:21	        "keys": [
19:09:21	            {
19:09:21	                "user": "rundeckuser",
19:09:21	                "access_key": "****",
19:09:21	                "secret_key": "****"
19:09:21	            }
19:09:21	        ],
19:09:21	        "swift_keys": [],
19:09:21	        "caps": [],
19:09:21	        "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
19:09:21	        "default_placement": "",
19:09:21	        "default_storage_class": "",
19:09:21	        "placement_tags": [],
19:09:21	        "bucket_quota": {
19:09:21	            "enabled": false,
19:09:21	            "check_on_raw": false,
19:09:21	            "max_size": -1,
19:09:21	            "max_size_kb": 0,
19:09:21	            "max_objects": -1
19:09:21	        },
19:09:21	        "user_quota": {
19:09:21	            "enabled": false,
19:09:21	            "check_on_raw": false,
19:09:21	            "max_size": -1,
19:09:21	            "max_size_kb": 0,
19:09:21	            "max_objects": -1
19:09:21	        },
19:09:21	        "temp_url_keys": [],
19:09:21	        "type": "rgw",
19:09:21	        "mfa_ids": []
19:09:21	    }
linux/ceph/howtos/create_user.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/11 11:36 by